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Medulla Obalankatta


Quick Stats

Director: Suresh Nair 
Actor: Rahul Madhav 
Release Date: 16/05/2014
Length: 149 Minutes

A slip-up on the cricket field results in short-term memory loss for the protagonist, who is going to marry his lover in a couple of days. When a night at the hospital doesn't bring him to normalcy, the hero's three baffled friends decide to get him to tie the knot without letting his family know of his condition.


Above Average


Below Average


CineSpider Score
(Score out of 10)

Users Score
(From 0 Users)

CineSpider Meter Details

Average Rating from Critics: 5 /10
Total Critics Reviews Counted: 7

Good: 0
Above Average: 3
Average: 3
Below Average: 1
Poor: 0


Detailed Review Area
Contributors to the Medulla Obalankatta Movie Review


Deccan Chronicle


On the whole, debutant director Suresh Nair's low budget movie filled with endearing and engaging moments has managed to offer a wholesome entertainment that warms the cockles of your heart. 



കോമാളിത്തരത്തിന്റെ ഒബ്ലാംകട്ട


Cine Shore


There is no much changes made here which could have been a better fit for the audience here. Despite these glitches Medulla Oblongata has a good plot, has its moments partly and some neat performances take home.



Anyhow, this 'Medulla Obalangatta' has got a few sequences to tickle your funny bone. But by trying too hard to make you laugh, particularly in the later half, it looses the  charm and reality feel of its original.




Based on a real life incident, the film which is a remake of a Tamil film which was a runaway hit, is hilarious in fits and starts. If it was not a bit too stretched out, it could have ended up as a compact entertainer and would have made an even better impression.



Despite not having made any spectacular changes in the script, the highly amusing 'Naduvula Konjam Pakkatha Kaanom' transpires into a middling comedy as it emerges as 'Medulla Oblangata' in Malayalam


Even though there wasn’t much emphasis on the music of the movie the background music stood out. The cinematography and art direction of the movie are also excellent. In short,if you want to spend few hours of your life laughing, this film is a sure bet.

Medulla Obalankatta Movie Review From Top Critics



കോമാളിത്തരത്തിന്റെ ഒബ്ലാംകട്ട

Deccan Chronicle


On the whole, debutant director Suresh Nair's low budget movie filled with endearing and engaging moments has managed to offer a wholesome entertainment that warms the cockles of your heart. 


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